Sunday, April 7, 2013

The market, my mouth, and why I don't do "Live People"....

Let me just say, I am a hermit.  Yes, a bonafide, stay at home as much as I can, avoid the world hermit.  "Live, in person, for real human beings" often frustrate me.  The end.  Well, not really....Some days I have to leave though, it is a need.  Now, what does this have to do with soap?  Follow along...

Yesterday I decided to go to the flea market and clear out a BUNCH of the left over holiday stuff, and some newer stuff from late February/early March...I need more room on my shelves (or perhaps more shelves - just depends on if you ask my husband or me which it is). I had a decent little bit of stuff at an insanely reasonable price for what it is.  But odds and ends - like ONE bar of pumpkin soap.  What am I going to do with ONE bar of pumpkin soap?  Sell it for $2 and have no bars of pumpkin until next fall that's what!  So away I went..

I got up EARLY - I don't do "early", neither do my goats.  But up I got, and away I went and THEN the "people" happened....UGH!

First of all, the 2 ladies next to me were selling toys.  Keep in mind here I don't have human kids and I have not built a tolerance to blinky light up noisey singing toys.  Anyways, yes TOYS - toys that sang, and made noise and it was like the Grinch!  The part where he complains "Oh, the noise, noise NOISE NOISE!!!!"  Yup...NOISE!  They also had a boat load of kids - running around, throwing things, shooting darts at my truck, SPILLING SODAS!  Oh yeah...I was still smiling through my teeth as I ground them together.  It was all fun and games until the sugary spilled drinks attracted BEES!!!!  Oh my goodness...the bees! I had to carefully dash through the swarm to get to the truck because there was a puddle of soda and every bee for 3 counties sitting next to my truck door...AND THEN...

These 2 ladies also had some stanky nasty perfumes...oh joy, guess what the bad kids did?  Oh yes, they knocked a perfume off of a table and it busted ALL OVER UNDER MINE!!!  For real???  I spent a few hours telling people what the smell was and that it was NOT my soaps!  But I kept my mouth shut...UNTIL...

Enter the redneck!  Have you seen Joe Dirt???  Oh yes, Joe Dirt times five.  Mullet, tattoos, cut off Larry the Cable guy type shirt...and he thinks he's being cute.  No really, if you have never dealt with this type, you haven't lived.  He says: "Glitter on soap????  Who wants to take a bath and come out covered in GLITTER unless you are a STRIPPER!!! hahahahaha.." Laughing so hard was Mr Redneck, UNTIL I opened my mouth - filter off mind you and said, "Glitter is just like dirt - it WASHES OFF - not that you would know judging by your body odor sir, but ask your first wife, wasn't she a stripper?"

I know...I KNOW ya'll!!!! I am mean, but I SWEAR it just FLEW out of my mouth!  I couldn't stop the words from vomitting forth...:(  It turned out okay though - apparently he had been heckling vendors AND customers down the row, because about 4 people began to applaud and next thing you know I did a nice little chunk of sales right behind him walking off.  He had nothing to say back to me...but still...

I KNOW I should be nicer, but I just couldn't stop myself!  I had already been completely frazzled by the people next to me for half of the day, and out it came...This though is why I like "online internet people" - when they get all snarky smart mouthed I can walk away from the computer and be the better person.  I really don't like being a meany pants mcgee at all :(

It's also what I love about soap - I can quietly sell most of it online, to friends and family really is where the bulk of it goes, and I don't have to see many morons in my day....

I guess I needed to share this morning - I wasn't proud of my actions - but it's why I don't do many "market" type settings and NO farmers markets are not ANY better than flea markets...but that, my friends, is another post!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you - I must admit I still feel a bit sheepish about it...but sometimes my filter doesn't work quite right ya know?
